
Going to Valencia!

City of the Arts and Sciences in Valencia, Spain
We're going to Valencia, Spain tomorrow!

Why Valencia? Why not Barcelona or Madrid?
Our friend Charles and his fiance Alli are there. Alli is there studying abroad and Charles is visiting her for a month. What better excuse to take a vacation, right? :)

No hablo español
Phil has never been out of the country-well except to Canada, but that doesn't really count. I've been to England, Ireland and Wales but never to a place where the main language isn't English.

**Side note- I am terrible with foreign languages. In high school I took French 1 three times before finally passing it with a C.

I bought a Spanish phrase book so I can at least "point" to what I'm trying to say. Even though each word is written out phonetically, I'd probably still make a fool out of myself if I tried to say anything in Spanish. Except hola and gracias. I am very confident saying those words ;)

Luckily Alli is majoring in foreign language and is basically fluent in Spanish.

Ze plan
Our flight from LAX to JFK leaves at the ungodly hour of 6:00 am. Then from JFK we have an 8 hour flight that arrives in Valencia at 7:30am. If we can make ourselves sleep on that flight we should be good to go for our first day in Spain!


bigwhiteseth said...

Whatever you do, don't adopt a mexican accent if you try to speak spanish. In spain, their accent is way different, and the form of the language is called castilian.

Have fun you two!

Drake said...

I want to go. :( Maybe next time? lol If you were going to France, I could totally help you with the language. But español, I do not know! :D


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