
We made it!

Don't have time for a long post right now, but just wanted to let you know we made it!

Our first day and night were a lot of fun! So fun in fact, that we slept until 5pm local time!

Last night we kicked off the celebration of the 9th of October (a local tradition) with a midnight fireworks competition between an Italian and a Valencian. Then we went out and partied until 5am.

During the day Phil and I wondered around the city while Charles and Alli had to film something for her class.

Here are some pictures. I'll add captions later and explain more about our first day in the next post!

It's 5:45pm and I've got to get out of bed:)


Sarah DeVenne said...

Wow! That fountain photo is stunning!! =D

Nathan said...

very nice. have fun and stay safe

Kristina Re said...

Oh wow, beautiful photo's! What's the weather like over there? It looks hot, lol.

shadyjoker said...

On the way back you guys should stop by Portugal! I love it there, my family is from there. Have fun!

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